Published in Linedancer Magazine November 2000

Badly Bent 2000
32 count, 4 wall, Intermediate / Advanced

Choreographer Alan Livett (UK)

Choreographed To
Super Love by Exile; Dead Presidents by Big Joe Burrel And The Unknown Blues Band
Section 1 Grapevine, 1/2 Pivot Right, 1/4 Turn Left, Sweep, Cross & Heel Jack.
1 - 2 Step right to right side. Cross left behind right.
& 3 Step right beside left. Step forward left.
& 4 Pivot 1/2 turn right on balls of feet. Transfer to left, dropping right heel.
& 5 Pivot 1/4 turn left, transferring weight to right. Step forward left.
6 Sweep right foot in front and across left.
7 & 8 Step onto right across left. Step back on left. Touch right heel forward.
Section 2 1/2 Turn Left, Hip Bumps, Step 1/4 Turn, Cross, Side, Sailor Step 1/4 Turn Right.
& Make 1/2 turn left in heel jack position taking weight back on right.
9 Present left forward ball of foot to floor.
10 With body angled right, bump hips forward and up.
& 11 Bring hips back. Bump hips forward and down.
Note: The overall shape of this pattern is a letter 'C', from top to bottom.
& 12 Bring hips back. Bump hips forward and up. (weight ends on right)
& Step left beside right whilst making 1/4 turn right.
13 - 14 Cross right over left. Step left to left side.
15 & 16 Cross right behind left. Step left 1/4 turn right. Step forward right.
Note: You are now facing 3 o'clock.
Section 3 'Wizard Of Oz' Steps, 1/2 Turn Right, 'Wizard Of Oz' Steps.
& 17 Step ball of left to left side. Step right heel diagonally forward right.
18 Step onto right and lock left behind right taking weight.
& 19 Step ball of right beside left. Step left heel diagonally forward left.
20 Step onto left and lock right behind left taking weight.
& On ball of right make 1/2 turn right, taking weight onto left.
21 Step right heel diagonally forward right.
22 Step onto right and lock left behind right taking weight.
& 23 Step ball of right beside left. Step left heel diagonally forward left.
24 Step onto left and lock right behind left taking weight.
Section 4 3/4 Turn, Stomps, Side Touch, 1/4 Turn, Cross, Back, Together, Scuff, Hitch.
& On ball of right make 3/4 turn right taking weight onto left.
25 - 26 Stomp forward right. Hold.
27 - 28 Stomp forward left. Hold.
29 Touch right to right side.
& 30 Pivot 1/4 turn right on left presenting right heel. Cross right over left.
& 31 Step back on left. Step right beside left.
& 32 & Step forward on left. Scuff right forward. Hitch right knee.

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